On a recent (cold and rainy) trip to Atlanta, I found myself craving comfort foods. Being in the S...
Panna cotta recipe One of the fun things about living in Europe is that there are other people who&...
Burgers are on the grill. Beers are in hand. You finally grab a seat with your party guests. Then,...
Recently, I told you about Skinny Cow’s Resolve to Indulge program. While most of us o...
Making the things you like to eat outside, at home is not as difficult as it may seem. And there i...
There are two ways to approach life. Go big, or go home. When I was asked to test hangover cures, ...
yield Makes 4 main-course servings Why you'll make it: Because it's everything that's good at the ...
倘若,能用那三寸的眸光,洞穿天涯的遙遠,懸在歲月的門楣,在我的文字之中,你是否還能夠憶起昔日的溫情? 梧桐樹下,你還在麼?一聲低喚,從心底幽幽呼出,當萬千的柔情留不住褪色的歲月,而我仍舊...
一個女孩問我,“反正男人都花心,還不如找個帥的呢!”——這話到底對不對?呃哦,其實答案很簡單。倘若一個男生說,“反正女人都虛榮,還不如包個美的呢!”——你覺得這話蠢麼? 明知道有的是內外...
聞いたところによると、男がプライベートの洞窟。では、彼が気落ちして、彼が負傷し、彼は疲れて、彼が挫折した時、彼がその穴の中に隠れて。 彼は中に入って、何もかもしれないたくない、何もできない。...
1 保存叶菜类最重要的就是保留水分,同时又要避免叶片腐烂。最简单的方法是利用旧报纸,在叶片上喷点水,然后用报纸包起来,根部朝下放入冰箱冷藏室,可有效延长保存时间,留住新鲜。 2 冬季购买的Stainl...